Four Ways A Band Management Company Can Help Your Band Plan A Band Tour
If you have a band that you want to take on tour, it can be very hard to know how to properly plan the trip. There is a lot that goes into planning a band tour and it may be in your band's best interest to hire a professional to help with the planning process. The guide below walks you through a few of the many ways a production management company, like Blue Alley Touring, may be able to help your band plan the tour.
Establish a Route
The first thing that the management company can do is establish a possible route for you and your band to take. You want to have as many stops along the way as possible and do not want to have to backtrack to get from one gig to another. The management company can establish a route that makes the most sense and that is the easiest to travel.
Book Gigs
Once the company knows the route that you plan to take, they can book gigs with venues along the way. You need to let the company know what the specific needs of your band are for performing so that they can find venues that have the equipment or space that your band needs. As they book gigs, the company can create a schedule for you and your fans to be able to follow.
Book a Tour Bus
The company will then be able to book a tour bus for you and your band to use during your tour. If you consider the cost of gas, car rentals, and hotel stays, you will quickly realize that renting a tour bus could actually save you money in the long run. The management company will be able to get you the lowest rate possible with the tour bus rental company because they will have more than likely worked with the company in the past.
Set Up Ticket Sales
Finally, the company will be able to handle your ticket sales for all of the events. They can track how many tickets have sold at each venue so that you and your band can know what to expect when you go in to play.
The management company will take care of the tedious parts of a band tour so that you and your band members can just focus on performing. It takes a lot of the hassle of planning a tour away so the tour can be as enjoyable for you and your fans as it can possibly be.